It is a certifiable (as it contains requirements) compliance management standard that replaces ISO 19600:2014 (non-certifiable). It is a type A standard, as it contains requirements and recommendations. Formally, it contains two parts: the standard itself and the annexes, which contain applications and application suggestions. The fact that it is certifiable, as it contains requirements, allows an evaluation to be requested through a third-party audit and thus obtain a certification. The rules contained therein are adaptable and must be interpreted in proportion to the type of organization in which it is being applied.

Like all high-level ISO standards, it is structured as follows: object and field of application, normative references, terms and definitions, context, leadership, planning, support, operation, performance evaluation, improvement. In addition, it includes the aforementioned annexes, which are structured in the same way and a bibliography. The latter consists of other related ISO standards.

It should be recalled that the International Organization for Standardization or ISO (from the Greek “isos” meaning “equal”) is an international non-governmental organization formed in 1947 from the union of two organizations: the ISA (International Federation of National Standardization Associations) and the United Nations Standards Coordinating Committee. 165 countries are part of the organization through national standardization bodies (one representative per country). ISO develops and publishes standards for a wide range of products, materials, and processes, covering 97 different fields. In addition, ISO publishes technical reports, technical specifications, publicly available specifications, technical corrections, and guides.